Grokking Beyond Neural Networks

Paper accepted in Transactions on Machine Learning Research. See here.

In some settings neural networks exhibit a phenomenon known as grokking, where they achieve perfect or near-perfect accuracy on the validation set long after the same performance has been achieved on the training set. In work on grokking with Thang Bui and Charles O'Neill, we discovered that grokking is not limited to neural networks but occurs in other settings such as Gaussian process (GP) classification, GP regression, linear regression and Bayesian neural networks. We also uncovered a mechanism by which to induce grokking on algorithmic datasets via the addition of dimensions containing spurious information. The presence of the phenomenon in non-neural architectures shows that grokking is not restricted to settings considered in current theoretical and empirical studies. Instead, grokking may be possible in any model where solution search is guided by complexity and error.
